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No, same price for any country.
Yes, choose any package that fits your liking.
Yes, price is the same for all payment methods.
No, we do not take any setup fees for subscribing.
No, this is a dating and/or content selling site.

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Adding an album:

Photos tab on the user profile where users can create albums and upload photos.

You can add new albums by clicking on the + New album button, adding a new album title, and uploading the album cover image. Adding new photos can be done by clicking on the + Select photos button.

Editing/Deleting album:

The extension provides basic options for deleting or editing albums under the "gear icon" settings.

If you edit an album, you can edit the album title, change the album cover, remove the photos by clicking on the x icon and add more photos by clicking on the + Select photos button. To save changes, click on the Update button.